The entire structure of Islam stands
upon the belief that Muhammad was the greatest prophet in the history of
mankind. As such, we would expect Allah to reward him with heavenly bliss
immediately upon his death. Yet, Islam itself
teaches that following his death, the greatest prophet of Allah descended into
Hell. Unbelievable? Read on!
The truth about Islam has been one of
the world's best-kept secrets. But things have changed. With the advent of the
Internet, it is now impossible for Muslims to keep the dark teachings of Islam
a secret. People are now becoming aware of the true nature of Islam and Muslims
are unable to silence everyone. The entire structure of Islam is built upon the
belief that Muhammad was mankind's greatest prophet. As such, we would expect
Allah to reward him with heavenly bliss immediately upon his death. Yet, Islam
itself teaches that following his death, Allah's greatest prophet descended
into Hell. Consider now the evidences provided by Islam.
Qur'an teaches that all Muslims, including Muhammad, will go into Hell?
Each time when Muslims make a
reference to Muhammad, they say "Peace be upon him." They say this to
bless and honor Muhammad. The command to add this blessing after mentioning
Muhammad's name is based on the Qur'anic injunction that is found in Surah
Allah and His angels shower blessings on the Prophet. O ye who believe! Ask
blessings on him and salute him with a worthy salutation. (Pickthall)
However, in order for Muslims to send
their blessings upon Muhammad, they must know exactly where their Prophet is
right now. It might come as a shock for Muslims to know that according to the most authentic Hadith in
the Muslim world and substantiated by a Qur'anic verse, their beloved Prophet
is in Hell. Yes! The Prophet of Islam is in Hell. And together with him are
his pious followers who have passed away in death till now. And Muslims who are
living now will also share the same destination when they die. Unbelievable?
Examine now for yourself what the Qur'an and authentic Islamic sources teach on
this very crucial subject.
Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 12, Number 770:
Narrated Abu
Huraira: The people said, "O
Allah's Apostle! Shall we see our Lord on the Day of Resurrection?" He
replied, "Do you have any doubt in seeing the full moon on a clear (not
cloudy) night?" They replied, "No, O Allah's Apostle!" He said,
"Do you have any doubt in seeing the sun when there are no clouds?"
They replied in the negative. He said, "You will see Allah (your Lord) in
the same way. On the Day of
Resurrection, people will be gathered and He will order the people to follow
what they used to worship. So some of them will follow the sun, some will
follow the moon, and some will follow other deities; and only this nation
(Muslims) will be left with its hypocrites. Allah will come to them and say, 'I
am Your Lord.' They will say, 'We shall stay in this place till our Lord comes
to us and when our Lord will come, we will recognize Him. Then Allah will come
to them again and say, 'I am your Lord.' They will say, 'You are our Lord.' Allah will call them, and As-Sirat (a
bridge) will be laid across Hell and I (Muhammad) shall be the first amongst
the Apostles to cross it with my followers.
Nobody except the
Apostles will then be able to speak and they will be saying then, 'O Allah!
Save us. O
Allah Save us.'
There will be hooks
like the thorns of Sa'dan in Hell. Have you seen the thorns of Sa'dan?"
The people said, "Yes." He said, "These hooks will be like the
thorns of Sa'dan but nobody except Allah knows their greatness in size and these
will entangle the people according to their deeds; some of them will fall and
stay in Hell forever; others will receive punishment (torn into small pieces)
and will get out of Hell, till when Allah intends mercy on whomever He likes
amongst the people of Hell, He will
order the angels to take out of Hell those who worshipped none but Him alone.
The angels will take them out by recognizing them from the traces of
prostrations, for Allah has forbidden the (Hell) fire to eat away those traces.
So they will come out of the Fire, it will eat away from the whole of the human
body except the marks of the prostrations. At that time they will come out of
the Fire as mere skeletons.
The Water of Life
will be poured on them and as a result they will grow like the seeds growing on
the bank of flowing water..."
Muslims may find the above narration
incredible. Again, this shows the ignorance of Muslims regarding their
religion. There is no ambiguity in this Hadith. It clearly states that Muhammad
and his followers are in "Hell."
According to this Hadith, Muhammad is not in heaven but in "Hell,” awaiting for the
arrival of the "Day of
Judgment" to get into heaven. And he will be the first to cross
the bridge with his followers to go to heaven. Please note, this bridge (As-Sirat) is "laid across Hell" and serves
as an exit to heaven. Since the bridge is "laid
across Hell," Muhammad has to be in "Hell" for the Hadith to speak of him as
being among the first to use it to come out from there.
The "Day of Resurrection" or "Qiyamah" refers
to the time of the end. This means, even as you are reading this article,
Muhammad is in "Hell"
awaiting to be rescued. This fact is further substantiated by the admission
that even pious Muslims who pray regularly will be consumed by fire, leaving only
the "marks of their
prostration" untouched. According to the above Hadith, the
bodies of those in "Hell"
will be consumed by fire. "At
that time - the Day of Resurrection - they will come out of the Fire as mere
skeletons." In corroboration with the above Hadith, the Qur'an
says that all Muslims - every single one of them - will be taken to Hell.
19:71: "It is the inevitable decree of your Lord that every one of you
will be taken to hell."(Sarwar)
is not one of you who shall not pass through the confines of Hell." (Dawood)
And the very next verse tells us:
19:72: "Then (Thumma) We shall rescue those who kept from evil, and
leave the evil-doers crouching there." (Pickthall)
"Afterwards (Thumma) we will
deliver those who shall have been pious, but we will leave the ungodly therein
on their knees." (Sale)
The word "Then" (Thumma) used in this verse
exemplify that there is a chronological
order of events. First the entry
into Hell. "Then" being
saved from it. Note the wordings of Surah
19:72: "We shall rescue
those who kept from evil, and leave
the evil-doers crouching there." You only "rescue" someone who is in some kind of
danger. However, this rescue operation will only take place on "Judgment Day." Until
then - for centuries - pious Muslims will be consumed by fire. Only the dark
spots on the skin of their foreheads caused by years of prostration to Allah
will escape the effects of the fire. This is Allah's reward for their faithful
prayers to him.
Tafsir on Surah 19:71 ("Not one of you but will pass through it: this
is, with thy Lord, a Decree which must be accomplished"), gives the following
means that there will be none.
"Of you" means all people.
"But will pass through"
means the entry into hell. "A decree which must be
accomplished" means it is a
certainty and a judgment from which Allah will not relent. (Translated
from Arabic) Source:
by Ibn Kathir on Surah 19:71:
"Not one of you but will pass through it: this is, with thy Lord, a Decree
which must be accomplished."
Imam Ahmad narrated
that Sulaiman Ibn Harb narrated that Khalid Ibn Sulaiman narrated that Kathir
Ibn Ziad Al- Barsani narrated that Abu Sumaya said, "We differed about the
meaning of 'Passing through it' (wari-duha). For some of us said that no believer
will enter hell and others said all (people) shall enter it and then Allah will
save those who have done righteousness. Then I met Jabir Ibn Abdallah and I
informed him that we differed about the meaning of, 'Pass through it,' and he
replied that, "Everyone shall enter
it." (Tafsir by Ibn Kathir on Surah 19:71, Translated from Arabic)
Another Tafsir by Ibn Kathir on Surah 19:71:
Narrated by Abdel
Razak, narrated by Ibn Ayena narrated by Amru who told us that he heard Ibn Abbas feud with Nafi Ibn Al-Azraq regarding
the meaning of, 'Entering (Al-wurood).' He
said it meant 'Entering (Hell),'
but Nafi disagreed. Thus Ibn Abbas read (Surah 21:98) "'Verily ye, and the
gods that ye worship besides Allah, are but fuel for Hell! To it will ye surely
will enter (Wardan),' and asked did
they enter or not? He also read (Surah 11:98) 'He will go before his people on
the Day of Judgment, and lead them (Awrada-hum) into the fire: but woeful
indeed will be the place (Wird) to which they are led (Al-mawrud)!' Did they
enter or not? As for you and I, we will
enter it but let us see if we will exit from it and I don't see Allah taking
you out of it because you lie (regarding its meaning)." Nafi then
Narrated by Ibn
Jarir, narrated by Atta who stated that Abu Rashid Al-Harury, who is called
Nafi Ibn Al-Azraq, said, "They (the believers) will not hear hell's
roar." So Ibn Abbas responded,
"Woe to you! Are you insane? What of Allah's verse (Surah 11:98) 'He will
go before his people on the Day of Judgment, and lead them (Awrada-hum) into
the fire,' and also the verse (Surah 19:86) 'And We shall drive the sinners to
hell being lead (Wirdan)'? And also the verse (Surah 19:71) 'Not one of you but
will pass (Waridu-ha) through it'? By
Allah, the supplication of those who lived previously used to be, 'O Allah take
me out of hell fire peacefully and allow me to enter paradise
victorious.'" (Tafsir by Ibn Kathir on Surah 19:71, Translated from
Arabic) Source: Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Saudi Arabia.
Who is Ibn Abbas? Ibn Abbas (618 C.E.-687 C.E.) was a paternal cousin of
the Prophet Muhammad. He is revered by Muslims for his knowledge. He was an
expert in Tafsir (exegesis of the Qur'an), as well as an authority on the
Islamic Sunnah. He knew exactly how Islamic terms are understood and applied. And according to him, all Muslims,
including Muhammad, will enter and taste Hell-fire.
Let the Qur'an itself give us a
classification of the "Islamic
"It leaveth not (any thing unconsumed), neither doth it suffer (any thing)
to escape: It scorcheth men's flesh: Over the same (are) nineteen (angels
appointed)." (Sale)
It is sad that all Muslims are
waiting for this "fiery destiny." As stated, Muhammad is in Hell. But what about Jesus Christ?
Concerning Jesus Christ, the Qur'an itself testifies in Surah 4:158:
“But Allah took him
(Jesus) up unto Himself and he is in the heavens." (Hilali-Khan)
"Behold! Allah said: 'O Jesus!
I will take thee and raise thee to Myself and clear thee of the falsehood of
those who blaspheme; I will make those
who follow thee superior to those who disbelieve until the Day of
Resurrection." (Yusuf Ali)
Allah said: "O Jesus! I am going to recall you (from
your mission) and raise you up to Myself. I will clean you of those who
rejected you and exalt your followers above the unbelievers until
the Day of Resurrection; then to Me shall be your return and I shall
judge those matters in which you have been disputing. (F. Malik)
The above statement in the Qur'an
reveals the superiority of those who follow Jesus.Those who follow Jesus are
Christians. Of course, this does not apply to those who are Christians in name
only but to those who are his true faithful followers. These are the ones who
will be exalted. They are exalted, not because of any personal superiority on
their part but on account of truly submitting to the teachings of Christ as it
is revealed in the Holy Bible.
According to the above Qur'anic
verse, Christians will be "exalted" or made "superior"
until the Day of Resurrection. The Day of Resurrection or Qiyamah refers
to the "time of the end." For Christians to be exalted until the time
of the end, it logically follows that true Christianity must remain as a
religion in this world until the "time of the end." For true
Christianity to remain as a religion in this world until the "time of the
end," true Christians must be present in this world until the "time
of the end." For true Christians to be present in this world until the
time of the end, they must have a righteous standing with God until the
"time of the end." For them to have a righteous standing with God
until the time of the end, they must be guided righteously until the "time
of the end." For them to be guided righteously until the time of the end,
the Holy Book in their possession must remain true until the "time of the
For the Qur'an to testify that the
followers of Jesus Christ will be made "superior
to those who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection," the
above detailed stages regarding the favorable standing of Christians must be
accomplished precisely. And this would vitally include the integrity of
the Bible which is in their possession.
The above Qur'anic verse proves
beyond any doubt that the Holy Bible is indeed sufficient for the outworking of
the Christian's salvation, both now and in the future. Thus, we can be
confident that the teachings of the Bible will remain as the authoritative guidance
for mankind for all eternity. Therefore, the claim that the Qur'an was sent to
replace the Bible or that the Bible is corrupted is a deliberate lie.
Concerning the Holy Bible, it is stated:
Timothy 3:16-17: "All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God
and is profitable for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for
instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent,
completely equipped for every good work."
If the Bible can provide such an
encompassing knowledge of salvation for mankind, would there then be a need for
another book to show us the truth about God? Islamic leaders discourage their
followers from reading the Bible. Muslims will do well to consider the
teachings of the Bible. Their eternal salvation depends on it. The path to
salvation cannot be found in the path that leads you to Hell, even momentarily.
Sadly, most Muslims have chosen to
follow the recitation of a single, 7th century illiterate whose book is the
direct opposite of how God chose to reveal the way of salvation over a period
of 1600 years by means of the inspired accounts of numerous prophets and
legions of witnesses. Surah 19:71
must be extremely disturbing to Muslims, who can only look forward to Hell-fire immediately upon their death.
If Christians are made superior until
the Day of Resurrection as the Qur'an itself testifies, where do you think will
be their final destination? Muslims should seriously consider whom they want to
follow, the one who is in Hell or
the one who is raised up to be with God in heaven? And they must also consider
whom they want to worship - Allah who promises "Hell-fire" or Jehovah who promises "Eternal life"? The difference
between Allah of the Qur'an and Jehovah of the Bible is that Allah promises Hell-fire for his worshippers while
Jehovah promises Eternal life.
Allah, Muhammad, Islam and the Qur'an make it clear that "Hell" is a certainty for all Muslims. Does it have to be
your destiny too? Certainly not. You can choose to follow the true God who will
show you the way to everlasting life.
However, Muhammad's destination is
not the only theological problem for Muslims to contend with. WATCH OUT for another Islamic
historical account of Muhammad that should trouble Muslims.
(Make sure you share this blog: to save millions from impending dangers in HELL, a place of no return and mercy)
(Make sure you share this blog: to save millions from impending dangers in HELL, a place of no return and mercy)
Compiled By: Bro. O.E. ADENIYI TAIWO
(God's Errand Boy)